Thursday, August 15, 2013

Organization Development (OD): Definitions and Five Stems of OD Practice

15 August 2013, Singapore: I notice organizations in Singapore and Malaysia are looking for HR managers / director with competency in Organization Development (OD). In this article, I would like to share the various definition of OD and the five (5) stems of OD practice between the 1950s until present day.


OD is a planned process of change in an organization’s culture through the utilization of behavioural science technology, research, and theory... [Warner Burke, 2004]

OD refers to a long-range effort to improve an organization’s problem-solving capabilities and its ability to cope with changes in its external environment with the help of external or internal behavioural-scientist consultants... [Wendell French, 1984]

OD is an effort (i) planned, (ii) organization-wide, and (iii) managed from the top, to (iv) increase organization effectiveness and health through (v) planned interventions in the organization’s “processes” using behavioural science knowledge... [Richard Beckhard , 1969] 

OD is a system-wide process of data collection, diagnosis, action planning, intervention, and evaluation aimed at: (1) enhancing congruence between organizational structure, process, strategy, people, and culture; (2) developing new and creative organizational solutions; and (3) developing the organization’s self-renewing capacity. It occurs through collaboration of organizational members working with a change agent using behavioural science theory, research, and technology... [Michael Beer, 1987]

OD is a system-wide application and transfer of behavioural science knowledge to the planned development, improvement, and reinforcement of the strategies, structures, and processes that lead to organization effectiveness... [Thomas Cummings & Christopher Worley , 2008]

 [Source: Cummings & Worly, 2005]


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