Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Common Mistake Done By In-house & External Recruiters (Headhunters)

Common mistake are:
  1. Never feedback / up-date the candidates about (a) the progress of job application and why their application was rejected. 
  2. Officially informing the candidates that their applications is rejected because their clients budgeted (company) remuneration package is below the candidate current package.
  3. Asking the candidates to consider the job officer at same rate or lower.
  4. Asking the question (a) "reason for leaving" and (b) "last salary" for past jobs. This questions should only be applicable on the candidate's last company / organization.
  5. With the new generation "Y" coming to the workforce; the dynamic labour market and business environment - the term "job hopping" is not applicable anymore. A change in minds is required ... any one who has a track record with a company for 2 years is good enough nowdays!
  6. Advertising the jobs as 'strategic' but during interview asking orperational questions that doesn't probe the candidate's competencies in strategic issues and planning.
  7. In an international / overseas recruitment project - recruiters fail to understand the education system of the targeted country where the candidate is educated .... e.g.,  (i) associate diploma = general degree; (ii) associate degree = diploma; (iii) general degree = non-honor degree; (iv) Professional Diploma = Degree; (v) Professional Certificate = Diploma.
  8. When interviewing an experience candidate with more that 10 years of working, interviewer should focus on identifying the relevant experiences; job competencies; and value-added knowledge and skills to the organization. Focus less on academic / educational qualifications.


  1. Disagree abt pt 4.
    Reason for Leaving Qn is should be asked to allow recruiters to understand abt push / motivation factors of the candidate. Its a prelude to probe and understand what the candidate looks for in the next job/ career.
    Last salary is also needed as internal recruiters are governed by internal equity and mkt benchmarkings.

  2. I agreed on asking the questions of leaving and last salary for the latest company the candidate work for but not for the past 5 yrs to 10 yrs of previous employment.

    I like your explanation of IE and motivation / push factor!
