Monday, April 25, 2011

The Multiple-Role Model of HRM

In the late 1997, a good friend and HR buddy of mine (Mr. Chong W.M) from my packaging division head-office recommended me to buy a HRM book. It was written by Prof. Dave Ulrich (1997) "Human Resource Champions: The Next Agenda for Adding Value & Delivering Results" - published by Harvard Business School Press. During that time - it was a highly recommended HR management book and reluctantly I paid RM$135 for it. After reading the book, the way I view HRM would change forever. It became one of the many books I used as reference for most of my MBA assignment.

In summary, the author (and the his book) gave options to me on what HR roles I wanted to venture into: -
  • Strategic Partner
  • Change Agent
  • Administrative Expert
  • Employees Champion
Since then, I made-up my mind I wanted to focus on the role of (i) Strategic Partner and (ii) Change Agent but as years goes-by I felt that it is important to have a balance of all the four (4) qualities mentioned. Please refer to Exhibit # 1 for details of the "multiple roles" of HR.

Exhibit 1: Multiple Role Model of HR
[Modified & adopted from (i) Hewlett-Packard HR activities and (ii) Dave Ulrich (1997) "Multiple Role Model of HR"]

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